STEM Team Building with PMI Science


PMI Science build 17 prosthetic hands at their STEM team building event aimed at supporting females.

As a company, PMI Science is committed to creating less harmful alternatives to cigarettes through innovation and research. And it’s safe to say, David was honoured when asked to join their event in Switzerland.

This event was focused around encouraging women in science and STEM team building to support female members of the team. At it David took the delegates through the Give A Hand session – building real prosthetic hands to be donated to those in need around the world.

Female Team Building | PMI Science | Give a hand CSR Programme | Lightbulb Teams
PMI Science complete ‘Give a Hand’ Programme

As always this corporate initiative brought the team together while challenging them both on an individual level and as a collective. These life-changing prosthetics allow recipients to regain independence, to work, study and provide for their families in a way they couldn’t previously do.

Seventeen prosthetic hands were built on the day –  with participants also adding a personal message to the hand’s case so that the individual who receives it can learn exactly who built it and why.

While most typical team building exercises end without much purpose or impact, our programmes are geared to ensure participants focus on completing the task to perfection, due to the lasting effect the prosthetic hands will have.

Female Team Building | PMI Science | Give a hand CSR Programme | Lightbulb Teams

A message from Lightbulb

David said: Give A Hand is a powerful activity and brings teams together in a unique and meaningful way. It was a surprise to the PMI audience as they didn’t know what they would be doing but the moment it was revealed they all of sudden became incredibly focused around this shared goal.

“We’ve got a waiting list of over 2,000 patients that need hands so the more hands that we can get built the better. It’s a challenging but rewarding experience and PMI really took the activity to heart and have subsequently decided that they want want to roll out different versions of it across the world.

We’re incredibly grateful to each and every PMI team member who took part. They truly are making the most incredible difference to the life of someone they’ve never even met and should be very proud of their efforts.”

Contact Lightbulb Teams

If your team would like to experience our Give A Hand programmecontact Lightbulb Teams today to learn more.


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