Aggregate Industries Construct Breaking News


As a company at the heart of the construction sector, Aggregate Industries is committed to delivering first-class solutions for its customers and working towards a more sustainable future.

Aggregate Industries | Breaking News | Lightbulb Teams
Aggregate Industries | Lightbulb Teams

Aggregate Industries’ Team Event

While construction may be a traditional industry, Aggregate Industries is constantly investing in its people and business model to reimagine what is possible in the space and in the sector to continue to meet ever-changing needs.

Our Lightbulb Teams founder, David worked alongside the leadership team to develop and build – from the ground up – a challenging team building experience that would encourage their people to think big about their future, hold a mirror up to their performance; ask meaningful questions about where they are today, but also give them the vocabulary and tools to help them build their future tomorrow.

The event was a fast-paced whistle-stop tour across the success factors that have helped make them a market leader today but it also set clear ambitions for the future.  To continue to grow and develop in a challenging and unpredictable time.

David was not only emcee for the event but he also delivered a keynote that was full of actionable tools that the audience could adopt and employ straightaway! Helping to boost their decision making, drive their motivation, inject energy into their strategy and build a rock solid resilient mindset – no matter what happens.

Aggregate Industries participate in Breaking News | Lightbulb Teams
Aggregate Industries | Breaking News Programme

Breaking News

The entire event culminated with Lightbulb’s signature Breaking News activity whereby teams are challenged to think 12 months ahead in the future and create a news report that could be broadcast; reflecting on the successes they’ve achieved and the challenges they’ve overcome.

David explained:

“This is a really powerful and expressive way for the team to bring alive their hopes for the year ahead and explore the potential hurdles and speed bumps but more importantly the solutions that will help them navigate over, around and through those potential pitfalls

“I was blown away by the commitment and engagement of the audience. Every time we delivered a challenge they didn’t just overcome it, they redesigned it to turn that challenge into something that could accelerate their growth in the future.”

He added:

“This was a truly engaged audience that were constantly rethinking their approach. In the end every one of them produced a TV-style news report that not only shared who they are but who they will be as a business in the future.

“The Breaking News programme is an amazing way to bring your future strategy alive in a manner that is practical, engaging, full of colour and dynamism. It also gives the client a spectacular amount and selection of comms materials, in the form of the videos their team produce, that they can use in the weeks and months after the event to keep the momentum alive –  continuing the messaging and driving home the essential lessons and learnings that they shared together.

“On behalf of myself and team at Lightbulb I’d like to say a big thank you to Hazel Mooney Neil Dixon and Thomas Edcumbe for all their support and for making us feel so welcome.”

Lightbulb Teams Programmes

Lightbulb Teams offer multiple CSR team building experiences. Contact Lightbulb Teams today to learn how we can help.


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