Giving back with Coca Cola


40 delegates from Coca Cola unite in purpose to create 10 water filters for those in need.

Coca Cola Team Building | Belfast | Water Works | Lightbulb Teams
Coca Cola leadership team complete the Water Works Programme at Crowne Plaza, Belfast

When it comes to global brands there can be few as well known and recognisable as Coca Cola. So it was a real honour for David to be asked to deliver a keynote and our Water Works programme at a strategy meeting for its leadership team.

As a purpose driven corporation, Coca Cola has a reputation for a culture of giving back and making a difference in the world.

Held in the Crowne Plaza, Belfast this team building event encouraged delegates to explore their future strategy and everyone’s role in it. It looked not only at their business goals but also how they could contribute positively to their community and to their society to make an impact beyond the work that they do every day.

Coca Cola Team Building | Belfast | Water Works | Lightbulb Teams
Water Works, Lightbulb Teams

For this reason the Water Works, activity was a perfect fit for the day. This acclaimed activity brings teams together to provide life-saving, clean water by making fresh water filters that are donated in the organisation’s name to people in need all across the world.

Teams were blindfolded during the challenge to test communication skills, problem solving abilities, collaboration, clarity of message and focus. In doing so it shows individuals and teams can give back so much more when they work together.

The session was not only action-packed but also highly emotional with the participants really taking the task to heart, particularly when they realised that they were going to be building a life-saving tool for someone in need.

The leadership team at Coca Cola embraced the activity with gusto to make it an extraordinary success, with the 40 delegates uniting in purpose to create 10 water filters.

Coca Cola Team Building | Belfast | Water Works | Claire Ruth David from Lightbulb Teams
Claire, Ruth and David from Lightbulb Teams


David said: “It was a real honour to be asked to work with the team at Coca Cola once again. The delegates themselves were a delight to deal with and were absolutely on board with the Water Works activity and what it means to us.

“They were particularly excited to know they would receive a photograph of every single recipient who receives a water filter. This really helps to drive home the impact of the activity and makes it very emotive.

“This was the first time Coca Cola have completed a team build for us and they really excelled themselves. Every filter built provides safe water for 300 people for two years so they have made an absolutely huge difference and a huge impact and we cannot thank them enough.”

Interested in giving back to others?

Lightbulb Teams offer multiple CSR team building experiences. Contact Lightbulb Teams today to learn how we can help.

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